Thursday, July 10, 2014

Studies show that the average person wastes what amounts to two hours a day sitting at a traffic light, surfing the internet, daydreaming, etc… One minute doesn’t sound like a lot of time, but what if we put just one of those wasted minutes a day to use praying for America?

Our country needs our prayers more than ever. Since this is independence week, I can’t think of a better time to start praying for our country throughout the year.

You may ask “What should I pray for concerning the United States?” I can think of many things, but I will limit it to three. First, religion. Pray for America’s Christian heritage to be preserved. (Read 2 Timothy 4:3-4) By elevating relativism and multiculturalism, the idea that all cultures and religions are equal and no belief system is superior to another, the United States has subtly created a new national religion where tolerance trumps spiritual integrity.

Second, family. Pray for Americans to embrace a Biblical understanding of marriage. (Read Exodus 20:12) Although the Bible defines marriage as a binding partnership between one man and one women, America’s marriages increasingly fail. Pray as America tries to redefine marriage to include same-sex marriage; should the Bible define marriage or should our federal courts?

Third, government. (Read Proverbs 3:5) Pray for American government leaders not to be deceived by political philosophies that could easily undermine Biblical truth, the role of the church and family and the values set in place in our Christian heritage.

So, enjoy Independence Day. Celebrate it. Give God thanks for our freedom and for those preserving our freedom. But let’s all pray every day for our nation.


P.S. Who you hang with has a tremendous effect on you. Who should I hang with? How does the crowd affect me? How do I stay on the right course? These questions will be answered this week as we begin our new series, Psalms: A Playlist For Life.

Make Disciples! (Yes, I'll say it, again!)

You often hear me say that First Free needs to make disciples who make disciples. That is the nature of a disciple maker. They are committed to multiplying generations of disciples makers.

Jesus was a disciple maker. If you want to make disciples, follow Jesus and do what He did. He spent time with His disciples. He trained them. He showed them how to pray, trust, serve, meet needs, teach and so much more.

There are so many things a disciple maker needs to do but four things that are essential. First, you need to follow Jesus (and train others to follow Jesus). You can’t train someone to follow Jesus if you are not. Paul invited others to follow Jesus just like he followed Jesus.

Second, you need to be Jesus to others. Being Jesus requires that you embody the mission and message of Jesus. No one today can see Jesus, but they can see you being Jesus. Be the hands, the feet, and the voice of Jesus to those around you.

Third, you need to teach others to obey Jesus. Knowing Jesus’ commands are not enough. You must obey them. You commit your life to doing what He says and teaching others to do the same. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”

Fourth, you need to daily feed yourself spiritually. Sermons are great, books are great but you need to go to the source of spiritual food yourself-the Word of God. You must get into the Word every day.

Start with these four and you’re on your way to being a disciple maker.


P.S. A good heart with a bad compass will lead you to the wrong place every time. What is the right compass you need to prosper in living? Join us this Sunday at 9:00 am or 10:30 am to discover the answer.