Most of you know by now that I am a trends guy. I read a lot of articles and
stats about trends in America, especially those having to do with church. I
appreciate those people out there keeping the pulse of our culture. People like
Ed Stetzer of Lifeway Research, George Barna of the Barna Institute, Thomas
Rainer, Will Mancini and others.
These trend evaluators present some very thought provoking considerations. This issue of Freshly Bru’d will present 3 trends that may happen in the next ten years. Think about them and see if you agree as you look out on America’s church landscape. These trends come from Ed Stetzer of Lifeway Research.
Trend number one: The hemorrhaging of mainline Protestantism. Mainline churches are in trouble numerically, especially the United Methodist church, Evangelical Lutheran church in America, Episcopal church, Presbyterian church (USA), American Baptist church, United Church of Christ (UCC) and the Christian church (Disciples of Christ). There is a substantive decline of these churches and the numbers of people they are losing and connections does not look promising.
Trend number two: Continued growth of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement. They have won the spiritual gift debate concerning cessationsim, have tamed down their practice of certain gifts and are moving toward a Spirit filled and Spirit led experience. They also have won the worship war debate.
Trend number three: Networks will explode in number and influence. Denominations still matter but networks are growing in influence and impact. Some are becoming their own denominations. (Like Vineyard, Calvary Chapel).
All of these trends have implications – some good, and some not so good. What good implications or bad implications do you see in the future relating to these three trends?
These trend evaluators present some very thought provoking considerations. This issue of Freshly Bru’d will present 3 trends that may happen in the next ten years. Think about them and see if you agree as you look out on America’s church landscape. These trends come from Ed Stetzer of Lifeway Research.
Trend number one: The hemorrhaging of mainline Protestantism. Mainline churches are in trouble numerically, especially the United Methodist church, Evangelical Lutheran church in America, Episcopal church, Presbyterian church (USA), American Baptist church, United Church of Christ (UCC) and the Christian church (Disciples of Christ). There is a substantive decline of these churches and the numbers of people they are losing and connections does not look promising.
Trend number two: Continued growth of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement. They have won the spiritual gift debate concerning cessationsim, have tamed down their practice of certain gifts and are moving toward a Spirit filled and Spirit led experience. They also have won the worship war debate.
Trend number three: Networks will explode in number and influence. Denominations still matter but networks are growing in influence and impact. Some are becoming their own denominations. (Like Vineyard, Calvary Chapel).
All of these trends have implications – some good, and some not so good. What good implications or bad implications do you see in the future relating to these three trends?
P.S. Ever wish you knew more about the Bible? I’m not talking facts about it but the “How to’s” of it. How to read it, interpret it, apply it, how it’s put together and most of all, how to believe it. If you are interested in such things come this Sunday at 9:15am or 11:00am and bring a friend.