Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Let's talk about worship

When we talk about worship, we are talking about something only believers can do. Worship is from believers to God. We magnify God’s name in worship by expressing our love and commitment to Him.
Worship is expressing our love to God for who He is, what He’s said, and what He’s doing. We express our love to God by praying, obeying, trusting, singing, giving, testifying, listening, responding to His word, and thanking. God, not us, is the focus of our worship. Unbelievers simply cannot do this.
God’s presence must be sensed in the worship experience. When unbelievers watch genuine worship, it becomes a powerful witness (Read Acts 2). There is an intimate connection between worship and evangelism. The goal of evangelism is to produce worshipers of God (John 4:23). Worship should provide the motivation for evangelism (Isaiah 6:1-8).
We must be willing to adjust our worship practices when unbelievers are present. Making a service ‘comfortable’ for the unchurched doesn’t mean changing your theology. It means changing the environment: how you greet, style of music, what Bible translation you preach from, and the kind of announcements you make.
The message must be understandable to unbelievers, but not watered down (Acts 2:11). A clear message, coupled with genuine worship, will not only welcome the unchurched people, it will open their hearts to the power of the gospel.
As we worship, let’s worship with heart, soul, mind, and emotion, so that we may show others the presence of the living God.


P.S. Are you worried about something? Do you fret about the economy, terrorism, job, health, family, relationship, presidential election, or the question: What happens to you after you die? If so, you will not want to miss this week’s worship experience at 9:15 and 11:00. Bring a friend with you and discover hope instead of worry.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Can We Learn From Each Other?

In an article I read this week, blogger, author, speaker, and pastor Kurt Bubna shares observations for the young (under 30) and the not so young (over 50) and what we can learn from each other.
The advice he gives to the young is…
  • Live in the present. Months turn into decades before you know it. ‘Bucket Lists’ are common among the elderly primarily because they wait too long to take risks and make every moment count.
  • Plan for the future. Don’t live your life without a view to the future. Be present today, but live prepared for the future because it will be here sooner than you think.
  • Stop throwing boomers (51-69 year olds) under the bus. The seniors in your life have learned a lot of lessons, some the hard way, so glean from their knowledge. Listen more and ask for their wisdom.
The advice he gives to the older is…
  • Stop living in the past. Engage in life now. Take some new risks. Be active. You aren’t dead yet.
  • Accept your limitations. You will never run a four minute mile, your memory may be fuzzy at times, and your body begins to sag. So what? Little stays the same over the years so don’t waste precious time worrying about the inevitable.
  • Stop throwing millennials (18-34) under the bus. They may seem cocky to you, but can teach you a thing or two about compassion and selfless service to those in need. Listen to them and ask for their advice about compassion, selfless service, and causes to live for.
The bottom line is we need each other. That is one of the intents of the church: to be multi-generational, working, and serving together to reach our world with the Gospel Message. Proverbs 20:29 says ‘The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old.’


P.S. Do I need to turn in someone who is in the States illegally? Who is responsible to secure our country’s borders? Is this protection Biblical? Has my view on immigration been shaped by the Bible?
You won’t want to miss this Sunday, July 10th at 9:15 and 11:00 as we explore these questions! Bring a friend and join us!