What is a Life Group? A Life Group is an
intentional gathering of people who agree to share life together, meeting on a
regular basis for the purpose of fulfilling God’s mission for the church and
for making Disciples of Christ.
What do you do in a Life Group? You do many things in a Life Group, here are 4 reoccurring points:
What do you do in a Life Group? You do many things in a Life Group, here are 4 reoccurring points:
1. Come together with
others in love for encouragement and spiritual growth accountability. Groups
are a place where people can find help with their spiritual needs.
2. Pray and care for each
other. (Read Hebrews 10:24-25)
3. Study God’s Word. Each
week a group of writers meets together and comes up with a Bible Study guide
based on the Sunday sermon. This enables us to dig deeper into the subject of
the sermon and keep everybody in the church on the same page of what we are
4. Reach out to the world
around us, which is a vital part of serving Christ and the mission of the
church. A Life Group encourages every believer to do something to contribute to
the broader ministry and mission of the church. Serving makes for a wonderful
marriage between groups and the centralized church- both on and off the campus.
People in Life Groups grow in appreciation for each other when they serve the
community as an entire group.
How do you get involved in a Life Group? The best way to learn
about the Life Group ministry is to sign up for the introductory to Life Group
session beginning on September 11th. To get your name on the list,
visit our website at this link: http://firstfreelincoln.org/introductory-life-group/
What if I don’t like a particular Life Group? Don’t give up. Sometimes it takes up to 3 attempts before you find the group suited for you. Remember you need the spiritual growth accountability for your journey. Finding the right Life Group will be worth it.
It is not possible for church staff and pastors to personally minister to everyone. Healthy Life Groups help us to equip one another to bear the burden of ministry. Please sign-up for a Life Group today and become a part of a community that is growing together.
Mark "The Bru" BrunottWhat if I don’t like a particular Life Group? Don’t give up. Sometimes it takes up to 3 attempts before you find the group suited for you. Remember you need the spiritual growth accountability for your journey. Finding the right Life Group will be worth it.
It is not possible for church staff and pastors to personally minister to everyone. Healthy Life Groups help us to equip one another to bear the burden of ministry. Please sign-up for a Life Group today and become a part of a community that is growing together.
P.S. We hear about missionaries in other countries “building cultural bridges” to share Christ. How do we build those bridges in our own backyard? Join me this week at 9:15 and 11:00 as we explore how we can create a culture of invitation.