Thursday, April 16, 2015

Have you ever been asked questions about your spiritual life? Questions like “Are you growing and maturing in your spiritual walk?” “Have you ever been discipled to help you with your spiritual development?” Or “What do you think you need to help develop yourself spiritually?”

If you have never been asked these kind of questions, consider them now. How would you answer them? Let me share a couple of principles relating to growing or maturing spiritually.

First, spiritual growth is not accidental. You must intend to grow. You must make a choice to grow. Now the church can come alongside of you and assist, but you have to own this one and yield to the Holy Spirit to help you grow.

Second, spiritual growth is incremental. We grow physically through developmental stages. It is no different spiritually.

Third, spiritual growth is personal. The word disciple means “learner.” Since we are all different, we all learn differently. Find your best way to grow and develop it.

Forth, spiritual growth is practical. What I mean is in the end, we will become whatever we habitually do. Reading God’s Truth takes practice, praying is a spiritual habit. Giving and attending a life group are other practical ways to develop spiritually.

Fifth, spiritual growth is relational. There are 50 “one anothers” in the Bible. God created us to relate with others. Take a minute and read Hebrews 10:24-25 to reinforce this principle in your mind.

Sixth, spiritual growth is seasonal. You will relieve a lot of guilt when we understand this. Nobody grows at a constant pace all the time. Plants, trees, shrubs, grow in spring and summer and then are dormant in the fall and winter. The same is true in your life. Ever said “I just don’t feel like I’m growing much right now, even though I’m doing the right things to grow.”  That’s ok. Maybe it’s winter for you, but spring is around the corner.

Spiritual growth is incarnational. It is not about what you accomplish, rather, it’s about the person of Jesus living in you. (Galatians 2:20) Our goal is to be like Jesus. (Romans 8:29)

So, how are you doing spiritually? Are you growing?


P.S. This Sunday at 9:15am and 11:00am we continue our series Untangled. We are examining your three most important relationships and the most important unifying skill needed to enhance them.


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