Thursday, March 23, 2017

A Willing Heart

Will you join me in becoming more effective at reaching the lost in your neighborhood, work place, school, or sphere of influence? Honestly, it doesn’t involve much more than a willing heart. Let me share with you three practices that will help you and me reach the lost.

First, consideration. You cannot connect with people you are not considering. Reaching your lost friends, co-workers, and neighbors begins with passion. Passion drives practices. Are you passionate about those around you who are far from God? Your heart must break for what breaks the heart of God- and God’s heart breaks for people far from Him. I have started to pray daily for my lost neighbors. I ask God to break my heart for those who are far from Him.

Second, accommodation. I think of ways that they can feel comfortable with me to build trust: watch their home when they are away and pick up mail, loan tools for one of their projects, help them with the projects, or take interest in their hobbies. (One of my neighbors loves to look through his telescope. Late at night, I go out when he’s looking and ask if I can take a peek.) Everything I do at home makes me ask: How can I do this to involve a contact with a neighbor (March Madness games, yard work ideas, and other common interests)?

Third, invitation. 70% of people invited to church by a friend will attend. The question we need to ask ourselves is ‘Why aren’t I inviting people?’ Sadly, many would answer that question this way, ‘I don’t feel my church would be a great experience for my lost friends.’

I want to assure you that at First Free, we are committed to making our services encouraging, relevant, and worshipful. Hopefully you are so proud of First Free that you want to invite friends and neighbors to give them an opportunity to experience God.

The thing that helps accepting invitations to church are your invitations to other things in your life like BBQ’s at your house or going to other activities together.

We can all use these three practices: consideration, accommodation, and invitation. Join me so we can have a powerful recipe to reach the unchurched in our city.

Pastor Mark "The Bru" Brunott

P.S. Do you feel the need to be forgiven? Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘God could never forgive me for that?’ Do you feel like you need to forgive someone who wronged you? This Sunday, we will begin preparing ourselves for Easter, beginning with the greatest price paid in order that I might experience forgiveness. See you at 9:15 or 11:00- invite a friend to join you.

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