Thursday, April 9, 2015

The World Changes; The Word of God Doesn't. What does that mean for church?

I have talked about this a number of times but it is one of those principles we need to hear over and over again. Here it is: The world changes but the Word of God doesn’t. Our message must never change, but the way we deliver that message must be constantly adapted to reach each new generation.

For First Free to be effective to our mission (introducing people to a relationship with Jesus, equipping them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus and equipping them to reach their city and world with the message of Jesus) we must learn to live with the tension between these two. The changing world and the unchanging truth.

What would be some changes in our methodology (not the message) that would enhance our effectiveness in reaching the current culture of Lincoln?

1. Learning to communicate the truth in ways that the non-believer understands.

2. Realizing that what is contemporary (the word literally means temporariness) is never meant to last forever. Whatever is in style now will inevitably be out of style soon and the cycles of change are getting shorter and shorter. New styles and preferences, like fashion, are always emerging.

3. Staying relevant to the times. (Acts 13:36) This means we are anchored to the unchanging truth of the Word of God and His eternal purposes but are willing to continually adapt how you communicate those truths and purposes. This is not watering down the Gospel, but it’s communicating it in ways the non-believer understands.

4. Requiring mature believers to unselfishly limit their own preferences of what they think a church should look like in order to reach lost people for Christ. (Luke 5:38)

5. Looking at the church as a family not an institution.

I’m a baby boomer. Boomers tend to see the church as an organization but the emerging generations are looking for community. That is why we promote and encourage life groups at First Free. Boomers focus exclusively on intellect, but the upcoming generations are focused on the experiential. We not only want people to know God but to encounter God.

My prayer for First Free is that we be sensitive to those seeking like Jesus was, willing to meet them on their own turf and speak to them in ways they understand and provide for them a clear, practical looking and timeless message in a contemporary fashion.


P.S. Struggling with a relationship? Husband, wife, boss, co-worker, sister, brother, friend, neighbor, mom, dad, teacher, classmate, daughter, teammate… Relationships can become a tangled web of confusion. In this new series we will be learning some significant skills to help us keep our sanity and health in our relational world. Join us Sundays at 9:15am and 11:00am. 

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