Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Happy New Year! The first edition of Freshly Bru’d in 2016 is committed to Bible Engagement. 90% of church goers in America desire to please and honor Jesus in all they do. Yet, when asked how often they personally (not as part of a church worship service) read the Bible:
  • 19% say every day
  • 26% say a few times a week
  • 14% say they read the Bible once a week
  • 22% say once a month or a few times a month
  • 18% say rarely/never
Bible engagement has an impact in just about every area of spiritual growth. You can follow Christ and see Christianity as your source of truth, but if that truth does not permeate your thoughts, aspirations, and actions, you are not engaging the truth.

Take a look at the above categories. Where would you place yourself? Remember you simply won’t grow if you don’t know God and spend time in His word.

Since a new year is a time of resolve, why not join me in the resolve to read God’s word daily? Why not be part of the 19% category? If you missed the last few days, start today with a new resolve.

What helps me personally is to set a designated time each day, go to a quiet place, pray ‘open my eyes that I might see wonderful truths from your word’, and begin reading. Currently, I am reading through the Gospels.

Whatever you read, get started today.

Pastor Mark Brunott
P.S. Feeling strapped financially? Are you still climbing your way out of debt because of the holidays? Do you think you’re doing pretty well in the management of your money? Whatever you’re feeling, don’t miss Sunday’s message on “Strapped: Walk Before You Run”. Service times are 9:15 and 11:00 AM. Bring a friend with you!

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