Friday, March 11, 2016


Imagine with me what would happen if everyone in our church went to his/her sphere of influence and invited one unchurched friend to join them for Easter Sunday and they came?

Imagine with me that those who were invited to come to church Easter Sunday heard very clearly the truth about Jesus. The truth that Jesus is God’s son, that He loves everyone, that He wants a personal relationship with them. To hear that Jesus wanted that relationship with them so much He left heaven, came to this Earth to die in the place of our sins, and was raised from the dead. Jesus conquered sin and death.

Imagine with me what would happen if many of those who heard the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection placed their faith in Jesus as their Savior.

Imagine with me that upon hearing the message of life transformation they went back to their friends, neighbors, work associates, classmates, and family and told them the very same message they had heard and trusted in.

Imagine with me the influence we would begin to have on our community by inviting the community onto our church property through a fun event like an Easter Egg Hunt. Imagine with me those who had fun might want to check out a church service just to discover what we believe.

Imagine with me how you would feel to know you had a key role in fulfilling Jesus’ mission- introducing people to Jesus Christ, developing them in to fully devoted followers, and equipping them to reach their city and world.

Wow! Can you imagine the blessing of God in your own life for fulfilling His mission and purpose for your life?

Let’s move from imagination to implementation. Invite your neighbors to Easter. Pray that the Spirit of God would move in their lives through the proclamation of the Gospel. Pray that First Free would be used to build the church of Jesus in Lincoln and expand the Kingdom of God.


P.S. Have you ever compared yourself to someone else? Have you ever compared your house, the car you drive, or the clothes you wear with others? This Sunday, we will examine how comparisons rob us of the life God has for us and how it hinders us from Living Well. See you this Sunday at 9:15 or 11:00 am as we worship God together.

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