Thursday, February 16, 2017

Every Christian's Responsibility to our Leaders

Did you know that as Christians we are to pray for all those who are in civil authority (1 Timothy 2:2)? They might not be godly men or women, but still we are to pray for them. They might not be who we voted for, but still we are to pray for them. We may not like their policies, but still we are to pray for them.

Paul wrote these words to Timothy, a pastor in Ephesus when the Emperor was Nero. One of the cruelest Roman Emperors, Nero had already launched a bitter persecution against the Christians. Yet when Paul wrote to Timothy he said don’t forget to pray for the Emperor, for Nero.

This reminds us that all forms of government come from God’s hand. This is why rebellion against government itself is always wrong. We may need to use the powers that are given to us in politics to change governments, but government itself comes from God. So these men and women in public office need our prayers.

We need to be careful how we pray as well. Some can pray in a way that wants absolute success for officials we like and total defeat for those we oppose. That’s not the way Christians are to pray. Consistently, no matter who is in office, we are to pray for success. That he or she would carry out an agenda that leads to the flourishing of the rest of society.

Pastor Charles Stanley has stated several things we should pray for our leaders, especially the President.

1.            Realize their positions of authority were obtained either by God’s choice or His permissive will.
2.            Recognize their personal inadequacy for the task of governing our country and look to the Lord for wisdom, knowledge, and courage to succeed.
3.            Readily forsake their political careers and personal ambitions if it is necessary to do so for the best interest of the country.
4.            Restore dignity, honor, trustworthiness, and righteousness to the office of the Presidency, to the Senate, and to the House of Representatives.
5.            Respect, honor, and obey the Constitution of the United States, the protector of our freedoms.
6.            Reject all council that weakens our defenses against aggressors or endorses agreements that would do so in the future.
7.            Refuse to promote a way of life in which citizens of our nation become increasingly dependent on the government for their needs, thus surrendering their freedom to prosper.
8.            Reverse the destructive trends of humanism and atheism which attempt to dethrone God and deify humanity, because they ultimately result in an ungodly society.
9.            Remember their accountability to the almighty God for their attitudes, motives, behaviors, and decisions that affect our nation.

Let us pray for our leaders so we may live a peaceful and tranquil life (1 Timothy 2:2b).

Pastor Mark "the Bru" Brunott

P.S. Do you want to excel in your education? Are you still learning and growing even though you’re out of school? How do I thrive when I live in a secularized society? Join me this Sunday at 9:15 and 11:00 as we explore these questions. 

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