Thursday, May 11, 2017

An Interesting Proposal

Due to my bad back, bad knees, and bulbous belly, I haven’t backpacked in years. One of the things I miss about the great outdoors in the back country of the Colorado Rockies is the serenity. Except for the occasional call of a bull elk or the melodic chatter of the birds, the silence was golden. Those quiet times refueled my soul.
Believe it or not, I am an extrovert. I love people. I love to engage the crowds with smiles and conversations. That’s why, all the more, it’s hard work for me to pursue solitude. But I need it. We all need it.
Interestingly, many people are uncomfortable with silence. I know people who must have the radio, cd, or T.V. playing in the background all the time. I’m one of those people. But, with all the white noise, heads full of information, news, opinions, we’ve forgotten how to reflect, meditate, and think on our own.
We all must learn to take the time just to sit, think, and be quiet before God. We need to do this on a regular basis. It will do more good for us than the swirl of data we’re jamming into our heads. (Psalm 46:10, 37:7)
So here’s what I propose. Are you ready for this? I know you can do it.
  • Turn off the electronics for at least 30 minutes a day. (Yes, that means your smart phone.)
  • Take a walk some place other than main streets or the mall.
  • Clear some space in your closet if you must, crawl in there and close the door for 20 minutes.
  • Turn the radio, CD player off on the way home from work and think, ‘What did I learn today?’ and ‘What am I thankful for in my life?’
I am grateful for modern technology. I use it; I like it. But I will not let it rob me of what I need most: moments alone- quiet time with God to ponder, contemplate, and meditate on Him. Don’t wait for time alone to happen. Make it happen.

Mark "The Bru" Brunott
P.S. This Sunday we celebrate moms- past, present, and future moms. I can think of no better way to celebrate them, than joining them at church. See you this Sunday at 9:15 and 11:00 AM.

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