Thursday, September 25, 2014

Power Source

I know that you, as I do, desire to live an authentic empowered life.  When we look at the Scriptures it tells us to be careful how you walk with God (my emphasis) (Ephesians 5:15).
In other words, to live an authentic empowered life, we have to pay attention.  Be careful to listen to His word.  Be careful to pray.  Be careful to seek His help.  Be careful because we are being observed by others.
So how can we live with His empowerment, His enablement, His power?  I think Ephesians 5:18 gives us a clue ‘Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.’
The verse begins with a negative command, ‘Don’t let anything like wine cause you to be hopelessly out of control.’  But a positive command follows, ‘Be filled with the Spirit or be controlled by the Spirit.’
Notice with me four things about this filling: First, it is a command, not a suggestion.  It is not a casual option, I play a part in this command.  I cannot be filled (controlled) with the Spirit while being controlled by something else (living by the flesh, unconfessed sin, resisting the will of God, relying on my own strength).  Second, the command is for every believer.  You all, as believers, have the Spirit – let Him control you.
Third, the expression ‘being filled’ is in the passive voice.  That means something is done to us.  You have to be filled (let the Spirit fill your life).  But you have to ask Him.
Fourth, the command is in the present tense.  Literally, keep on being filled.  It’s not once in a lifetime or once every year, it’s every so often.  Asking God to fill you with His Spirit is an essential part of walking by faith and not by sight.
Try this prayer every day – honestly several times throughout the day:
This is you day Lord, I want to be at your disposal.  I’m yours Lord.  Help me to: lean on You; to draw strength from You; and to have You fill my mind and my thoughts.  Take control of my senses and my circumstances.  Help me to be filled with Your presence and empowered by Your energy.  I want to be Your tool and Your vessel today.  Lord, fill me with Your Spirit right now.  Customize this prayer to your own details depending on what may be the needs of that particular day.
This is how we walk the Christian walk.  We need the Spirit to take our eyes, tongues, emotions, wills and use us because we want to operate under His control on a continuing basis.

P.S. God wants to use you, resource you, to advance His Kingdom.  Come this Sunday and discover how God does these things in us.  See you soon.

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